About Us

About Us 

We are a dedicated team of professionals using the latest in dental technology to provide the very best in dental care. We pride ourselves on providing superior, gentle dental care while creating beautiful, natural results. 


New advancements in dental technology offer better solutions for traditional oral health problems than ever before. The trend in dentistry is utilizing technology to make dentistry more comfortable, durable, efficient, and natural-looking for the patient as possible.

Digital X-Rays 

You get less radiation than traditional film X-rays with immediate results. Also, chemicals are not required, and therefore digital X-rays are safer and much better for the environment. 


The VELscope Vx is the most powerful tool available for assisting in the discovery of oral abnormalities. Discovering soft tissue abnormalities is particularly important in the fight against oral cancer. 

Zoom® Laser Teeth Whitening 

With this safe, effective procedure, you can enjoy whiter teeth in 1-2 hours. 

Helios Laser Gum Treatment 

If you have periodontal disease, you can improve the health of your gums without invasive surgery. 


Want faster treatment with greater comfort and higher quality, longer-lasting fillings and crowns? This technology prevents trauma to the tongue and cheeks, reduces fluid build-up, and provides uninterrupted access to the jaw. 

Panoramic Digital X-Rays 

For patients with wisdom teeth and dental implants, this advanced diagnostic imaging tool enables our team to view the entire jawline in one picture. You won’t have to see another doctor for radiographs, and with a more accurate picture, you’ll get a better clinical diagnosis. 

Intraoral Imaging

See the condition of your teeth for yourself. This transparency allows our dentists to fully explain the various treatment options and help you understand what is being treated and why. 

You are welcome to come in for a tour of our office. We would be happy to show you the technology we use and explain our capabilities. 


As stated by the ADA, dental disease is almost entirely preventable, and oral health is just as important as the health of the rest of your body. Untreated dental disease can lead to serious health problems such as infection, damage to bone or nerve, and tooth loss. Infection from tooth disease can even spread to other parts of the body and in rare cases, can lead to death. 

As dental professionals, we truly are focused on improving all of our patients’ quality of life, by preventing dental diseases and disorders. Most dental professionals agree that the best recommendation for your health is to visit your dental office twice each year for periodic examinations and cleanings.

It has been proven that tooth decay and gum disease take about six months to become established, so following this schedule can prevent the most common oral health issues. When dental disorders do occur, they can be identified more quickly. Treating these disorders in their early stages will not only be easier but will save our patients more financial costs in the long run. 

There is no one more concerned and prepared to educate and assist patients with their oral health than the dental hygienist. Our hygiene patients benefit from the very best personal care provided by one of the most outstanding hygiene teams available. The hygienist’s work starts with a thorough review of each patient’s medical and dental history, an oral cancer screening, periodontal charting, and a blood pressure check and this is just the start of the complete evaluation.

Our hygienists are very dedicated professionals and maintain their skills through continuing education courses as well as hands-on technique, equipment, and technology training. They are also very compassionate, sincere, and friendly. Their goal is to be an advocate in education for our patients’ oral and overall health. 


Restorative dentistry deals with restoring the health, function, and appearance of teeth that have been damaged due to infections such as gum disease, decay, or trauma and can be used to repair and/or treat missing teeth, misaligned teeth, discolored teeth, and more. The specialty contributes greatly to the care of the elderly and those with special medical needs in addition to providing treatment for those who require complex dental care. 

Most everyone undergoes some type of restorative dental care in his or her lifetime. Restoring the health, function, and appearance of teeth often involves several steps and a combination of procedures that can include porcelain or composite fillings, crowns, bridges, dental implant restoration, and teeth whitening. Restorative dentistry also includes all aspects of periodontics, endodontics, and fixed and removable prosthodontics, including maxillofacial prosthodontics and implant dentistry. 


10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109,
Sun Lakes, AZ 85248

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed