Dental Crowns & Bridges in Sun Lakes, AZ

Dental Crowns & Bridges in Sun Lakes, AZ

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that is placed over a broken or damaged tooth to strengthen it. A bridge replaces missing teeth and is anchored by crowns placed on the adjacent healthy teeth. At Sun Lakes Family Dental, our dentist creates custom-fitted crowns and bridges to ensure they blend perfectly with your natural smile. These restorations create a natural-looking result and help to protect your oral health.

Dental Crowns 

A crown is a restoration that completely encloses the entire visible portion of a tooth above the gum line. Crowns are used to strengthen or restore broken teeth and sometimes as anchors for bridges that replace missing teeth. 

Before your procedure begins, our dentist will numb the tooth and surrounding area with a local anesthetic so you will not feel any pain during the treatment. Once your tooth is prepped, the crown is manufactured based on a precise impression. The dentist will adjust the crown to fit correctly and then cement it. It is normal to experience some sensitivity after your crown placement, but this should subside within a few days. 

The Benefits of Dental Crowns 

A crown can be used when a tooth is cracked, worn down from decay, has a large cavity, or has had root canal therapy. Teeth with large fillings may also need crowns to protect them from breaking. Crowns can also be used to support bridges, cover dental implants, or restore teeth after orthodontic treatment. 

Dental Bridges 

A bridge is a fixed tooth replacement that fills in the gap left by a missing tooth, preventing the surrounding teeth from shifting out of place and creating chewing problems. It is supported by crowns placed on either side of the gap that act as anchors. One or more false teeth are placed in the middle to fill the empty space. Bridges are cemented to natural teeth or implants. Unlike removable dentures, bridges are a fixed solution for replacing missing teeth.

The Benefits of Dental Bridges 

A dental bridge can restore your smile’s appearance and function by filling the gap left by missing teeth. There are several benefits to having a bridge placed, including preserving your remaining natural teeth and improving your ability to eat and speak normally. If tooth loss makes you self-conscious about smiling, eating, and speaking, a bridge may be right for you. 

Both dental crowns and bridges can help to restore your smile to its natural beauty. Visit Sun Lakes Family Dental at 10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248, or call (480) 883-8000 to learn more about the benefits of dental crowns and bridges.


10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109,
Sun Lakes, AZ 85248

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed