IV Sedation in Sun Lakes, AZ

IV Sedation in Sun Lakes, AZ

IV sedation, also known as “twilight” or “conscious” sedation, is a moderate type of sedation. Like other types of sedation dentistry options, it can make you feel relaxed and comfortable and even help you not remember any of the procedures. However, IV sedation's effects are stronger and more controlled than oral sedatives.

Because you feel completely relaxed, the dentist can complete multiple treatments during one visit. This is a huge advantage for many patients because they can get all their dental treatments done in just one appointment.

Before administering IV sedation, our dentist at Sun Lakes Family Dental will ensure you are healthy enough for the procedure. During the treatment, your vital signs will be monitored to ensure your safety.

The Procedure for IV Sedation 

Intravenous sedation is a form of sedation that is administered directly into the bloodstream with an intravenous tube or IV. The medication is delivered through the IV and takes effect almost instantly. The patient experiences little to no feeling, and the results last longer than oral sedation methods.

This type of sedation is very safe and is often used for patients who experience severe anxiety at the dentist’s office and those who have difficulty getting numb with traditional numbing methods.

The Benefits of IV Sedation 

Patients who choose IV sedation find it easier to get the dental treatments they need and tend to experience less anxiety before and during their appointment. The medications administered through an IV also work more quickly to bring patients to a state where they feel no pain or discomfort. This helps dentists complete their work much quicker than they would using other techniques. 

Many patients who opt for IV sedation will also benefit from the amnesiac effects of the medication. This allows them to avoid remembering any part of the procedure once they awaken after their appointment is over and prevents any feelings of stress or anxiety that may be associated with the procedure. The effects of IV sedation wear off quickly after the dosage has been stopped.

Before a patient can undergo IV sedation, they must consult the dentist to ensure they are eligible for the treatment. The dentist must review their current dental and overall health to ensure they are in good shape before allowing them to receive sedatives. Patients with certain health conditions may not be candidates for the treatment due to certain health risks. Patients should also avoid eating food for a few hours before their procedure to ensure that the sedatives have plenty of time to start working. 

Patients who require extensive dental procedures or have severe dental anxiety can choose IV sedation for their care. For the best dental care tailored to your needs, visit Sun Lakes Family Dental at 10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248, or call (480) 883-8000. 


10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109,
Sun Lakes, AZ 85248

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed