Toothache Pain Relief in Sun Lakes, AZ

Toothache Pain Relief in Sun Lakes, AZ

Tooth pain can occur for various reasons, including decay or infection. Whatever is causing your toothache, it’s wise to schedule an appointment with our dentist at Sun Lakes Family Dental as soon as possible to determine the best course of action. This can help decrease the risk of further complications developing and can also help determine the root cause of your tooth pain.

More advanced procedures may sometimes be needed to treat tooth pain. In case of severe tooth pain, especially persistent pain that isn’t improving over time, you may need emergency dental treatment. This is typically necessary if a tooth has been knocked loose in an accident or an infection has spread to the rest of the mouth.

Even if you’re not in pain, visiting the dentist every six months for a checkup is always a good idea. Regular checkups allow the dentist to spot any signs of damage or decay before they cause you any severe symptoms.

The Most Common Causes of Toothaches 

An Abscessed Tooth 

An abscessed tooth is the result of an infection. The infection can spread to the tooth's roots and cause severe pain and swelling of the gums. Left untreated, the infection may also spread to other body parts via the bloodstream. 

Damaged Fillings or Crowns 

If a filling or crown becomes loose or damaged, this can irritate the sensitive nerves inside the teeth and cause toothaches. 

Gum Disease 

Periodontal disease is caused when plaque accumulates on the gum line. If left untreated, it can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth and form infected pockets. This can lead to significant pain and tooth loss. 

Treatment Options for Toothache Pain Relief 

There are many different ways to treat a toothache, depending on the type of dental issue you are experiencing and how severe it is. Over-the-counter pain medications, salt water rinses, and ice packs can be used at home to relieve toothaches. However, if the pain does not go away or you have a severe infection or other problem causing your pain, you will need to make an appointment with our dentist as soon as possible.

Our dentist will work to identify the cause of your toothache and suggest the most effective treatment for you. The most common toothache treatments are fillings and root canals. A filling restores your tooth’s function and shape by repairing the damaged area and removing the decay. A root canal restores your tooth by removing the infected pulp from the root of the tooth before cleaning and sealing it. With either procedure, your symptoms and pain should subside in the shortest possible time. 

If you are experiencing tooth pain or discomfort, visit Sun Lakes Family Dental at 10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248, or call (480) 883-8000 to schedule an appointment with our dentist. Our dental team is always happy to assist you and help you keep your mouth healthy. 


10325 E Riggs Rd Ste 109,
Sun Lakes, AZ 85248

Office Hours

MON - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 12:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed